Terms & Conditions

  1. The shipping process will only begin on receipt of a purchase order or order confirmation.
  2. Prices quoted are valid for 30 days.
  3. Title of goods will not pass to purchaser until full payment has been received.
  4. Any claim for damage or short delivery must be received in writing within 7 days of the reception of the product.
  5. We reserve the right to alter specifications and substitute product without notice.
  6. Once an order is approved the same will start the process for your goods to be delivered, if you need to cancel the order advise us before the goods are delivered, with an acceptable reason, we can provide a refund without penalty. If the goods have already been delivered you will be charged with the logistics costs associated.
  7. If any changes are made to the product (painting, trimming…) we are not responsible for this, We DO NOT accept responsibility for any copyright issues arising from your modifications or any disfunction on the product.
  8. If you have a deadline to meet, please check our current turnaround time, and on day delivery costs.
  9. We have several checking systems in place before dispatching your good, however if a problem is not identified, please notify us within five working days.
  10. Customers are liable for any duties and / or taxes for deliveries outside the United States.
  11. All prices are subject to change without notice.
  12. Terms and conditions are subject to change without notice.


If you have any questions about the above Terms and Conditions please contact Titan Safety LLC – Toll-Free USA/Canada: 888-868-2272 or 440-941-1410 or email –admin@titansafety.net